Women's Program

Connect with Your Own Magic through
deepening your relationship
with the Earth and Spirit
to nourish yourself
on every level

You’re here because you’ve felt a pull from your heart, a settling in your core that happens when you’re standing beside a tall tree or a flowing river, and you want to see where that pull takes you if you follow it.

Maybe you crave connection with nature and spiritual energies, want to deepen your own inner knowing and intuition, and find community with other women who get it. Because they feel that pull too.

And, perhaps, you have a question in your life that you need time, space and stillness to answer.

  • Should I stay or should I go?
  • Is this the change I need most at this time?
  • How do I find my footing in a period of massive transition?
  • Who am I? What am I here for?
  • Where is that clarity and sense of purpose I used to feel so strongly?

Many of our members come in with overwhelm, anxiety, burnout, scatteredness, brain-fog and an emotional set-point of ‘survival mode.’ Even wild mystic women get caught up in the busyness of life, and the clarity and sense of purpose you rely on can get muddled with To-Do’s, which makes the path forward difficult to find.

Earth Magic Mastery for WOMEN

is about setting aside time to be still and listen, to ground and connect to the deep wisdom of Nature, Spirit and your inner knowing, to allow room for clarity and energy to surface, and to find your path with joy and vibrancy again.

The truths we seek and the connection we crave comes up from the ground, it’s whispered in the leaves, and rises like heat from sun-warmed dirt.

We are connected.

Our physical and spiritual bodies are part of nature, inextricably linked. The more time we spend sitting still and listening in nature, the better we can connect with ourselves and with Spirit, and find clarity, connection and grounded energy whenever we need it.

“I can’t express how grateful I am for Vanessa and this Women’s Program! Vanessa brings so much compassion and wisdom. She creates a safe container for all of us so we can be totally present and open with our emotions, allowing deep changes to take place. It’s more than just a retreat. It’s a feeling of community and sisterhood. It’s a sacred place where we can bring our open hearts and let magic do the work.”

- Paola Isidori Lubar

Every woman who joins us comes for a different reason and finds a different gift.

Our journey together in this program is organic by nature - every woman grows in the way she needs. Many of the women who join tell me “I don’t know what I’ll find here, but I know I need to be here.”

One of last year’s participants had an epiphany about finding a partner.
Another gained insight on which direction to take her business next.
Others found clarity about questions they’ve been struggling with for months or even years.

We all have access to ease, growth, vibrancy, intuition and spiritual connection. What few of us allow ourselves, however, is the time and space for these things to flourish. That’s what this program is for - to help you set aside time to be, and guide you in ancient ways to connect and nourish body, mind and spirit.

“I can say with absolute certainty that working with Vanessa in the Women’s Empowerment Program has changed my perspective on nature, which is huge. I’m a city girl, and with Vanessa’s loving guidance, I can now honor and recognize Nature’s bounty, support and wisdom.”

- Kathleen Forsyth - CEO / Founder at Getting the Career you Want

This is {o much more than {elf-care - this is whole-you 


This program begins in January and completes in December, allowing the cyclical teachings of the seasons to assist in the transformation. We play with our bodies and hearts to experience Nature in new ways. 

We’ll explore:

  • Herbal allies that support your body, help you tap into the immense healing power of nature, and assist with spiritual growth
  • Ancient health and nourishment practices to enlighten your mind-body and improve the flow of spiritual energy
  • Spirit-led guidance and meditation to enhance your spiritual path and intuitive abilities
  • Wildcrafting and medicine making to connect to the Earth and Spirit through your hands, creating relationships with different elements of nature
  • Our community of magical women who support each other in their spiritual growth and celebrate each other’s magic

This is not a complete list of what we’ll do together.

Our journey will take us out into Nature to just be (so often we only go outside to do, rather than be). We’ll find connection and magic in the deep forest, in the city, in a backyard, a neighborhood park (because we can access it anywhere). We’ll share our stories, and release any blocks to our natural growth, so we can move forward with freedom and ease, embracing who we truly are.

Hello Love, I’m Vanessa

co-founder of Earth Magic Academy, and I created this program out of a desire for myself and for women to connect more deeply to our innate magic, to cultivate relationships with the Earth and Spirit that support us, and to create a practice that deeply nourishes and sustains us on every level.

So we can do our big, beautiful, brave work in the world.

With purpose.

With energy.

With ease.

With joy.

Welcome to

Earth Magic Mastery Women’s Program

A 12 month, in-person, immensely transformative program located in Boulder County, Colorado

  • SIX in-person and interactive 7-hour-long Saturday retreats
  • SIX 2-hour weekday workshops, in-person, at different outdoor spaces in Boulder to connect with different Earth energies
  • SEVEN group check-in calls
  • ONE New Moon and ONE Full Moon ceremony with the group
  • ONE Initiation Ceremony
  • TWO 75-minute Psychic Reading with 2 readers (Vanessa and Rhett, for a male and female perspective)
  • Email access for questions and a private Facebook group

You'll also receive

  • A custom tea-blend each time we gather, plus extra to take home with you.
  • Nutritious, nutrient-dense food to sustain and enhance your energy throughout the gathering days.
  • Ancient health hacks you can take home.
  • A very comprehensive workbook with tea ingredients, food recipes, a list of beneficial spices and herbs, spiritually and nutritionally-based health tips and instructions.
  • A psychic tools manual.
  • A nature connection journal.

This program is currently open for enrollment for 2025. Schedule a call so I can put you on the list for the January start date.

We never want money to stand in your way of this transformational experience. Please reach out to learn about payment plans and scholarship opportunities.

The first step to joining the Earth Magic Mastery Women’s Program is a conversation

Schedule a Free Getting-to-know-you call with Vanessa
So we can get to know each other, answer questions and
share our wild stories.


Want a taste of what it’s like to be part of this program? Here’s what past participants are saying.

“I was a member of the inaugural women's program in 2019 and it was one of the most unique and special programs I have ever been a part of (or ever heard of, for that matter). I felt a sense of community, love, acceptance and belonging which created a calm and healthy state of being. Everything from the food and recipes to the meditations and work with nature, I was blessed with new experiences that made me dig deep inside. It was not easy, very challenging at some points, which created a significant amount of growth and I always felt Vanessa's support the whole way through. I highly recommend this program to anyone that wants to get deeper in touch with their spirits and be around a group of loving, like-minded women.”

- Melissa Golden

“I had been feeling frustrated with myself because I was a total workaholic. I didn't know how to be outside and just unwind. I spent my time outside with my earbuds in, listening to podcasts, music or audio books. I didn't know how to just be. And it was showing in my levels of stress, my lack of sleep and my energy feeling depleted most of the time.

I was a little apprehensive to join because I had never self-identified as being anything related to "energy healer" or "clairvoyant" or anything like that. I wasn't sure I'd fit in.

 I was amongst a group of authentic, kind women who were looking for connection, just like me. Together, we spent time outdoors (without earbuds!). We learned about the plants (that I would have collectively called "weeds" prior to this class), we collected them, harvested them, and created items that would aid in our healing. I walked away with recipes (can we say healthy chocolate!?), medicine, a dictionary of herbs and their uses, different meditation modalities, and best of all, permission to do it my way. Permission to not identify as an energy healer or clairvoyant, and still get so much value (and love) from this program.

I finally have tools for when I'm in a downward spiral of stress. Tools that I'm aligned with, that don't feel too woo-woo for me, and ones that I'm comfortable using.

This has made all the difference in my health, my attitude and my stress levels when things get rough. I highly recommend this program to any woman who wants to learn how to really connect with her body and her mind, through nature, through healing, through food and through community.”

- Katie Collins - CEO at Coach Katie Collins and The Launch Squad

“I met Vanessa at a women’s empowerment event and knew we were meant to become friends. In the last 2 years Vanessa not only has become one of my friends, but an amazing mentor. I started out taking the Women’s Mastery program. I connected with nature, food, plants, myself, spirit guides and other women in a way I had never dreamed possible. It helped me reconnect to myself. (I enjoyed this program so much I have taken it twice!)” 

- Trina Schneider - Intuitive Reader at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

“Last year I joined EMMWP in order to learn ways to connect with myself and with nature more deeply. I have been focused on developing my inner wisdom and intuitive abilities, this course helped me do this and more.

I was at a place in my life where something had to give, taking the time and making the investment for this course was exactly what I needed. Little did I know how valuable these skills would be months later when our global pandemic hit. I am not living in fear and know how to trust what shows up for me.

 The most impactful result I obtained was the clarity I gained and now cultivate when it comes to making decisions for myself, my family, and my business. I am more relaxed, more confident, and more certain in my life than I can ever remember. The skills I learned throughout the course are not simply strategies-they become a way of life and a source of major support as I continue my spiritual, personal and business growth.

This is an unconventional program, unlike anything you have experienced before (this is where the magic lies), it is difficult to put into words the numerous benefits I received and the effects that it has imprinted on my soul, long after the course has concluded.

This course unlocked my knowingness of myself and helped me come to terms with my gifts and my power. Clear your calendar and buckle up for a life-altering, lifesaving journey!!!

Karen Gruber - Bestselling Author, Inspirational Speaker, Leadership Development Coach for Women

"I have to be honest, I didn't really know what to expect from this group and signed up on a whim with my sister. My sister is the one who I always felt was more psychically connected and tuned into natures spirits but I had a goal to deepen my own connection and figured this sounded like a great opportunity.
At first I was a little sceptical of everything but just tried to go along with a more open heart and mind. I was raised very traditional Christian and in the last couple of years have rejected my ties to religion to foster a more spiritual journey but sometimes it is still hard to shake the old structured religious beliefs. 
Over the course of the year Vanessa and this beautiful group of women nurtured me, loved me, cared for me, cheered me on, cried with me... this has been one of the most healing experiences of my life. I have never felt close connection to a lot of women, usually I feel threatened by other women. This healing happened in so many ways.
I also gained a much deeper understanding of what it means to care for myself. The importance of giving myself time to actually be with nature, listen to it, bless it, thank it, feel its power. The importance of the season and learning to flow with the rhythm. Using winter as a time of rest, using spring as a time to plant seeds, using summer as a time to grow with fiery force, and fall as a time to let go and reevaluate. The importance of attuning nutrition with each season and based on who I am as a person. 
This experience was incredibly empowering and exactly what I needed at this time in my life, as I try to grow my business while also figuring out how to care for myself in a balanced way.
And last but certainly not least, Vanessa just puts together the most amazing retreat days. I didn't miss a single one because they are all so amazing and renewing. The foods are amazing, getting to spend close intimate time with the group, getting to spend intentional time with nature, and doing fun wild-crafts and recipes! It is like camp day for grown ups.
I didn't know what to expect when I signed up, all I know is that I am glad that I did and Vanessa has changed both mine and my sister's life forever. I will continue to work on the meditations, recipes, my own powerful connection, and connection with nature for years to come with all of the resources Vanessa gave us.
Thank you so much for this beautiful offer. I am forever grateful to have found you on Facebook Ads!!"

- Michaela Miller - Bariatric Wellness Coach

"I loved everything about this program so much, I am participating again this year! I don't know of another program that is packed with as much value as this one is. Vanessa Passarelli Tavernetti is a masterful teacher and facilitator. If you have a desire to deepen your connection with earth and spirit, in a community of the most authentic, heart-centered women, this is the program for you! The intimate connection Vanessa has with the earth and spirit is a beautiful thing to witness and the growth opportunities she offers are tremendous. You will not be the same person that went into the program when you come out. Get ready to be transformed in the most amazing ways."

- Lisi Kempton, Founder and CEO of Soul Tree Operations


- Jessie May Kezele - Brand Strategist and Community Leader at The Daring Fempreneur

Frequently asked questions:

Let’s get to know each other, answer questions and share our wild stories


Feel grounded, focused and nourished through deepening your connection with the Earth and Spirit so you can have clarity in your purpose, step forward confidently, and find community with magical humans just like you!


to }econnect and }egenerate